
It was in those days, university holidays, the staff of the Institute of social work and management of the National Pedagogical University Dragomanov not forget about St. Nicholas Day, a holiday light, which in most Ukrainian associated with the family warmth and comfort. Students and teachers visited the Institute to visit children who are deprived of the most important - paternal love. This good tradition of the Institute has a long istoriyu.Kozhnoho year we visit a boarding school № 17 (v.Ushynskoho 15) and the city shelter for minors (pr.Mayakovskoho 28v).
    We prepared a long holiday - gifts, kind words and congratulations. Usually preparation of this meeting is the views of students since mid-fall. And no wonder - once received as a pleasant feeling of joyous and grateful smiles of children, must still want to participate in such a good holiday.
Particularly pleased to observe how the holy first participating junior. We believe: many of them at this point, perhaps the first time, realize the depth and responsibility of their profession, all the undeniable importance of social work not as a craft, but as a vocation.
Compassion, a desire to help, honesty - these are virtues that are social workers and teachers are signs of professionalism. To, as they do not know how difficult life like orphans and children deprived of parental attention and warmth. Who if not we can help them. Make the children happy people - our nadzavdannya.
Profession Social worker and social educator requires great demands of himself, developed spiritual culture and humanity. Can a representative of any other profession on the question: what is the purpose of your job? "Unambiguous answer -" Help people?
This year the event was held in conjunction with cultural and artistic center of the NEA, including theatrical studio Zahoruiko Al Vasilivna.


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